Researchers from the University of Michigan and the Weizmann Institute develop the first-ever complete central nervous system on a chip: It faithfully emulates that of a human embryo, from the forebrain to the bottom of the spinal cord

Once upon a time, we were all nothing but a mass of densely packed stem cells. Over time, this mass elongated, sprouted limbs on either side, buttocks at the rear, a stomach in the front and a head on the top. The process by...

How B-Cell Eaters Clean Their Plates

Mysterious macrophages, found to rapidly digest dying B cells, may hold clues to future treatments of autoimmune disorders Parents tell their children to eat all the food on their plate, down to the last crumb. Certain cells within our lymph nodes, like obedient...

Weizmann Institute scientists have discovered how mutations in the BRCA genes, particularly prevalent among Ashkenazi Jews, lead to recruitment of cellular “assistants” in pancreatic cancer

Bullying, unfortunately, can be contagious. This applies not only at school or on the playground but also in the cellular neighborhood. That’s why in a new study, a team of researchers headed by Dr. Ruth Scherz-Shouval of the Weizmann Institute of Science focused not...