High Cholesterol Is Good News – in Plants

High Cholesterol Is Good News – in Plants

The biochemical steps to making cholesterol in plants turn out to be surprisingly similar to those in animals 20.02.2017 (l-r) Dr. Jedrzej Szymanski, Efrat Almekias-Siegl, Dr. Prashant Sonawane, Hassan Massalha, Dr. Ilana Rogachev, Sayantan Panda, Dr. Sagit Meir, Dr....
Controlling Electron Spin for Efficient Water Splitting

Controlling Electron Spin for Efficient Water Splitting

The method could lead to solar-based production of hydrogen for fuel 13.02.2017   Water is made of oxygen and hydrogen, and splitting water molecules to produce hydrogen for fuel is a promising path for alternative energy. One of the main obstacles to making...
Keeping Up the Pressure

Keeping Up the Pressure

A new neural mechanism is found to regulate the chronic stress response 13.02.2017 Brain tissue from genetically engineered mice. Neurons that express CRFR1 appear in green and those that release the neurotransmitter CRF are in red. The image was obtained with...